
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2013

“I would refuse to go to a homophobic Heaven,” - Archbishop Tutu

Archbishop Desmond Tutu: I would rather go to Hell than worship a homophobic God Archbishop Desmond Tutu, famous for his role in ending Apartheid, has said that he would rather go to Hell if he discovered that God was homophobic.   http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2013/07/27/archbishop-desmond-tutu-i-would-rather-go-to-hell-than-worship-a-homophobic-god/

Hate Crimes in Russia - GaysTeenagers Tortured

Russia: Gay teenagers tortured and made to come out on video by militant ‘anti-paedophilia’ group 26   July   2013 , 2:18pm A neo-Nazi Russian group has taken to social media to publicise images and videos of gay teenagers lured in on the promise of a date, before torturing them and forcing them to come out to friends and family on video. Gay victims aged 12-16 are reportedly lured in by the group Occupy-Pedofilyay, led by Maxim Martsinkevich, known under the nickname “Cleaver”. Videos are then circulated of the victims being made to come out as gay, with a view to parents, schools, or friends finding out about their sexuality. An uncensored image of one of the victims holding a sex toy, covered in red paint, and being held down, appeared on the Spectrum Human Rights Alliance blog. The accompanying report also included a video of the torture of one victim who was sprayed with urine in public, however YouTube has now removed the video. A report from May notes ...

La reina Isabel II firma la ley de matrimonio gay en Inglaterra y Gales

El trabajo ya está hecho. La reina Isabel II a dado validez a la nueva ley de matrimono igualitario que entra en vigor en Inglaterra y Gales. La ley ya es un hecho. I nglaterra y Gales se han convertido en los países 16 y 17 en el mundo en reconocer plenamente el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo. http://www.inoutpost.com/noticias-LGBT/la-reina-isabel-ii-firma-la-ley-de-matrimonio-gay-en-inglaterra-y-gales-20130717161136.html http://now.msn.com/queen-elizabeth-signs-commonwealth-charter-in-favor-of-gay-rights http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-03-12/queen-signs-historic-anti-discrimination-charter/4566520 http://pamshouseblend.firedoglake.com/2013/03/09/queen-elizabeth-to-sign-commonwealth-charter-promoting-gay-rights-and-gender-equality/

Beating death of LGBT activist Eric Lembembe in Cameroon

http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/prominent-gay-rights-activist-killed-cameroon-19677284#.Ueb1XZ3D86Z http://www.dosmanzanas.com/2013/07/torturado-brutalmente-y-asesinado-en-camerun-el-activista-lgtb-eric-ohena-lembembe.html Posted on July 15, 2013 by Colin Stewart                 LGBT activist and reporter Eric Ohena Lembembe was beaten to death over the weekend, LGBT activists in Cameroon announced today. Fellow activists said they found his bloody, lifeless body early today at his home in Yaoundé,  Cameroon http://76crimes.com/2013/07/15/beating-death-of-lgbt-activist-eric-lembembe-in-cameroon/ __________ U.S. on Lembembe murder: Prosecute those responsible Posted on July 16, 2013 by Colin Stewart The U.S. Department of State issued this statement today on the murder of LGBT activist and Erasing 76 Crimes journalist Eric Ohena Lembembe in Cameroon...

Alcalde de la Capital en Islandia considera romper relaciones con Rusia por ley anti-gay

Jon Gnarr Alcalde de la Capital de Islandia, (oprimir para ver su biografía)                    El alcalde de la capital islandesa, Jon Gnarr, propuso revisar o romper los vínculos políticos y culturales entre Reikiavik y su ciudad hermana, Moscú, a raíz de una ley rusa que prohíbe la propaganda gay entre menores. http://www.sdpnoticias.com/gay/2013/07/15/islandia-rompe-relaciones-con-rusia-por-leyes-contra-los-gays http://es.paperblog.com/reikiavik-rompe-con-la-homofobia-de-moscu-1988937/

Rusia aumenta la represión a los GLBTT, incluyendo al turismo Gay.

16 DE JULIO DE 2013 Rusia arrestará a los turistas abiertamente gays Luego de que el presidente ruso Vladimir Putin firmará la ley que castiga a las personas por propaganda homosexual, se informó que las multas por dicha ley incluyen a también a los turistas, los cuales podrían ser arrestados o expulsados del país. http://www.cromosomax.com/23146-rusia-podra-arrestar-y-multar-a-los-turistas-gays http://76crimes.com/tag/russia/ Russia’s anti-gay laws will trouble the Olympics in Sochi http://76crimes.com/2013/07/15/russias-anti-gay-laws-will-trouble-the-olympics-in-sochi/

Pastor Pereira en guerra contra los GLBTT por notas en Twitter.

¿Por qué usted lanza ataques al periódico Metro cuando claramente estamos reseñando una denuncia que hace un grupo y que se puede constatar a través de los tweets en su cuenta personal?                       Embed Tweet     René Pereira ‏ @ renepereirajr 6 Jul Los gays hacen lo mismo. Cuando se encuentran sin argumentos recurren a victimizarse y a buscar sus aliados en prensa para q los defiendan. René Pereira ‏ @ renepereirajr 5 Jul Que sepan los LGBTT que NO me van a intimidar ni a callar. Defenderé lo que creo y sostengo donde sea, aunque traten de intimidarme. René Pereira ‏ @ renepereirajr 5 Jul @ Metro_PR Tengo todas las copias de los tweets que envié y los que recibí que sí son ataques contra mi persona. Eso no es periodismo serio. René Pereira ‏ @ renepereirajr 5 Jul Periódico @ Metro_PR publica no...

Sr. José Roberto Arango para representar en ese cuerpo al sector LGBTT en el PNP

CONFIRMADO: EL PNP CONSIDERA SILLA PARA SECTOR LGBTT 8 de julio de 2013 por Lcdo Edwardo García Rexach Ayer adelantábamos lo siguiente en esta página: “Una fuente de entero crédito nos indica que en el directorio del Partido Nuevo Progresista se está conside ... rando habilitar una "silla" para que la ocupe el Sr. José Roberto Arango para representar en ese cuerpo al sector LGBTT. Estemos pendientes”. Hoy el diario EL Vocero lo confirma al indicar que al cierre de la convención de la juventud del PNP el Comisionado Residente expresó: “Posiblemente el sector lgbtt pudiera estar representado a través de un representante de la sociedad civil o pudiera tener una silla como tal.” Además indicó que “La Iglesia debe tener también representación. Puedes tener una banca a favor de la comunidad lgbtt como también a favor del sector de la Iglesia. Veo con buenos ojos que se expanda el directorio”.” El Senador Thomas Rivera Schatz, presidente del comité de reglamento del PNP, pa...

Las fotos de Edgar Moreno al desnudo, nuevo Mr Gay Pride España 2013


Costa Rica may have legalized gay civil unions

PARA VER LAS FOTOS DE LAURA CHINCHILLA, PULSAR click TO SEE LAURA CHINCHILLA'S PHOTOS http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=laura+chinchilla&qpvt=laura+chinchilla&FORM=IGRE President Laura Chinchilla on late Thursday signed the bill governing social services and marriage regulations for young people. The mostly conservative members of Congress didn't notice that the final version of the bill had changed earlier language that defined marriage as a union between a man and a woman. After realizing they had approved a bill that "confers social rights and benefits of a civil union, free from discrimination," the lawmakers asked Chinchilla to veto the new law. She refused. http://news.msn.com/world/costa-rica-may-have-legalized-gay-civil-unions

Documents show Milwaukee archdiocese shielded pedophile priests

Roman Catholic Church officials in Milwaukee vigorously shielded pedophile priests and protected church funds from lawsuits during a decades-long sex abuse scandal, according to hundreds of newly released documents. http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/07/02/19247832-documents-show-milwaukee-archdiocese-shielded-pedophile-priests?lite

Valientes activistas desafían ley anti-gay en Rusia

Russian anti-gay bill passes, protesters detained   http://www.wtsp.com/news/local/story.aspx?storyid=320582   A pesar de la prohibición de la llamada "propaganda homosexual" en Rusia, cientos de activistas salieron a las calles de San Petersburgo a manifestar su "Orgullo Gay". http://www.diariodenavarra.es/noticias/mas_actualidad/internacional/2013/05/25/los_homosexuales_rusos_desafian_las_prohibiciones_para_exigir_igualdad_118681_1032.html http://www.ambienteg.com/integracion/30-detenidos-en-rusia-por-protestar-contra-la-ley-de-propaganda-homosexual http://sociedad.elpais.com/sociedad/2013/05/25/actualidad/1369500226_784462.html Гей-парад в Санкт-Петербурге / Gay Pride parade in St. Petersburg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBOxqytaBog#at=18 Madonna promete desafiar la ley antigay en San Petersburgo http://www.ociogay.com/2012/03/22/madonna-promete-desafiar-la-ley-antigay-en-san-petersburgo/ >

Polémica homofóbica por nominación de embajador de EU gay en República Dominicana

"Es una falta de respeto, de consideración, que nos envíen esa clase de persona como embajador", dijo por su parte el vicario, monseñor Pablo Cedano de la República Dominicana.   _______________________________________________  Appointment of gay US ambassador On 27 June 2013, when he was being interviewed after the blessing of a government office during its reopening, a journalist asked him about Barack Obama 's appointment of James "Wally" Brewster, an open homosexual, as U.S. ambassador to the Dominican Republic (D.R.), Lopez Rodriguez expressed his opposition to the appointment of a homosexual ambassador, claiming that what is sought is to promote the approval of same-sex marriages in the D.R. Moments later another journalist asked him about a diplomatic and commercial impasse between Haiti and the D.R. after Haiti, claiming the presence of bird flu in the D.R., vetoed the import of Dominican poultry meat and eggs. Cardinal López Rodríguez laughe...

Pareja gay depravada es acusada de abusar de su hijo en Estados Unidos

Disgusting pedophiles: Australian pair convicted for making child porn with ‘adopted son’ bought for $8,000   http://www.ynaija.com/disgusting-pedophiles-australian-pair-convicted-for-making-child-porn-with-adopted-son-bought-for-8000/                                                    ________________________________________ Una pareja de homosexuales depravados fue sometida a juicio luego que las autoridades, iniciaran una investigación que determinó que la pareja violó y grabó las imágenes del ultraje que realizaron durante varios años a su hijo.  Peter Truong                            ...

Marches across US celebrate LGBT community and recent gains

By Elisha Fieldstadt, NBC News, July 1, 2013 After the Supreme Court’s decision on Wednesday to overturn DOMA, granting legally married same-sex couples the same federal benefits as their heterosexual counterparts, and to let "Prop. 8" die, resuming the legalization of gay marriage in California, the festive atmosphere surrounding Pride events has been ramped up several notches. http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/06/30/19218769-especially-proud-marches-across-country-celebrate-lgbt-community-and-recent-gains?lite http://www.nbcnews.com/travel/edie-windsor-celebrates-doma-ruling-stonewall-6C10468610