
Mostrando entradas de marzo, 2014

Puerto Rican Wants Same-Sex Marriages Recognized

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico March 26, 2014 (AP) By DANICA COTO Associated Press   A Puerto Rico attorney who married her longtime partner on the U.S. mainland has filed a federal lawsuit seeking to have their marriage recognized in her home territory. The lawsuit comes as the debate on gay rights intensifies in Puerto Rico, where legislators and religious groups have recently clashed on several issues. The suit filed Tuesday by attorney Ada Conde challenges the constitutionality of Puerto Rican laws that define marriage as between a man and a woman, as well as those that prohibit same-sex marriage and the recognition of such marriages. Conde said she has been in a relationship for nearly 14 years with Ivonne Alvarez, an accountant and financial adviser whom she married in Massachusetts in August 2004. "We wish to enjoy the same social privileges and contractual rights ... and not to be treated as we are being treated as second-class citizens," she said....

Fred Phelps, Sr., pastor of the "God Hates Fags" Westboro Baptist Church, is dying alone and without his family.

The Huffington Post   | by   Ryan Grenoble Email RSS Posted:  03/16/2014 11:40 am EDT  Updated:  03/17/2014 12:59 pm EDT Fred Phelps, the founder of the highly controversial Westboro Baptist Church, which is known for protesting high-profile funerals with signs that read "God Hates Fags," is said to be dying at a hospice center in Kansas. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/03/16/fred-phelps-dying-death-westboro-baptist_n_4974584.html Finally Phelps, dies. Por Agencia EFE 03/20/2014 | 04:15 p.m http://www.primerahora.com/noticias/estados-unidos/nota/fallecepastorhomofoboqueinterrumpiafuneralesdesoldadosdeestadosunidos-996986/

Pastor de la Iglesia de la Reforma y otros, envenenan con su homofobia a FROZEN

Desde que se estrenó el pasado mes de noviembre, la película de animación "Frozen", producida por Disney, se ha convertido en un enorme éxito de taquilla, al recaudar más de US$1.000 millones en todo el mundo. Pero la buena acogida que "Frozen" ha tenido entre el público y la crítica no ha sentado bien a todo el mundo en Estados Unidos, particularmente a algunos comentaristas conservadores, que aseguran que la película "tiene una agenda gay". En unas declaraciones que han corrido como la pólvora por internet, el pastor Kevin Swanson, de la Iglesia de la Reforma, denunció a través de su programa de radio que se emite en Colorado que el filme es "maléfico" y que Disney "es una de la organizaciones más progay del país". "A veces uno se pregunta si aquí está ocurriendo algo maléfico… Me pregunto si la gente está pensando: 'Creo que esta preciosa pequeña película va a adoctrinar a mi hija de 5 años para que sea lesbian...