
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2014

US Government report finds 2.3 percent of Americans gay or bisexual

(Reuters) - U.S. government data released on Tuesday showed that 2.3 percent of American adults are either gay or bisexual and that these men and women more often reported serious anxiety and having self-destructive habits than their straight peers.   This year's National Health Interview Survey was the first to ask about sexual orientation in addition to health habits in its 57-year history, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said. Bisexual women were twice as likely to experience serious anxiety while bisexual men were more likely to indulge in binge drinking than others, according to the survey. In the survey of more than 34,500 Americans age 18 and above, 1.6 percent reported that they were gay and 0.7 percent reported that they were bisexual. A total of 96.6 percent reported being straight and 1.1 percent either said they were "something else," did not know or declined to answer. Roughly twice as many women than men identified as bisexual, w...

La homosexualidad está escrita en los genes

Así concluye un estudio científico publicado recientemente y no exento de polémica, que sugiere que las preferencias sexuales de una persona tienen un origen biológico y no tanto psicológico, como sostienen los psicoanalistas. La investigación, a cargo de la Universidad de Chicago (EE.UU.), identificó en una amplia muestra de varones dos tramos del ADN vinculados a la homosexualidad, un hallazgo sin precedentes que  pone en entredicho la influencia de las vivencias de la infancia ante la posible existencia de un componente genético , al tiempo que acalla las voces más detractoras de la libertad sexual. http://www.inoutpost.com/noticias-LGBT/la-homosexualidad-esta-escrita-en-los-genes-20140708153913.html

Jamaica, república donde la homofobia se combina con la apostasía.

JAMAICA: MARCHAN EN CONTRA DE LA HOMOSEXUALIDADMientras en medio mundo las personas LGTB y quienes les apoyan en la lucha por sus derechos salen a las calles para celebrar las Marchas del Orgullo, en la isla de Jamaica quienes se manifiestan son los que odian su mera existencia. Alentados por los líderes religiosos, el pasado sábado, día del Orgullo Gay. http://www.quepasagaypr.com/2014/07/jamaica-marchan-en-contra-de-la.html