
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2016

Lanzan Blog sobre la cura para la homosexualidad.

  La imaginación malsana de la agenda fundamentalista hace galas de su imaginación y publican un portal donde intentan utilizando sofismas y falacias afirmar que tienen pruebas de que:  La homosexualidad tiene cura. La homosexualidad es una enfermedad. Se busca relacionar la "perspectiva de género" con la pedofilia. Tratan de convencer de que la religión cura la homosexualidad. Utilizan la manipulación con la información falsa para vender sus argumentos, sin base científica sino con prejuicios. No tienen base científica para sustentar sus teorías, sino que tergiversan la verdad con publicaciones de corte ecuménico y de origen de segundas y terceras fuentes de publicación. La información aparece esparcida, sin presentación lógica, totalmente desenfocada y confusa para los lectores que intenten entender semejante "hoya de grillos" informática. No ofrecen una sola argumentación sustentada con la lógica, la razón sustentada con pruebas contundentes, ni basad...

Trump could reverse Obama’s actions on college sex assault, transgender rights

President-elect Donald Trump could reverse much of that, if he chooses, after he takes office in January.  President Obama has wielded civil rights enforcement powers aggressively in the education arena for the past eight years, pushing colleges to toughen policies on sexual assault and schools to eliminate racial bias in student discipline. His administration also declared that transgender students must be allowed to use bathrooms consistent with their gender identity — a question now before the Supreme Court. President-elect Donald Trump could reverse much of that, if he chooses, after he takes office in January. With the stroke of a pen, Trump or his senior officials could revise or rescind Obama administration statements on transgender rights and sexual assault. The Trump administration and a Republican Congress also could starve civil rights enforcement funding, slowing hundreds of open investigations and narrowing their scope. Republican lawmakers have repeatedly criti...

Wanda Rolon insulta a Marc Anthony por fotos besando hombres, mira lo que dijo

3.4k Compartidos Compartir en Facebook Compartir en Twitter La pastora Wanda Rolón arremete en contra del cantante por haberse sacado fotos besando a varios hombres en su jet privado esto a consecuencia del acoso en las redes sociales por su beso con su ex-esposa Jennifer Lopez.  La pastora dijo lo siguiente: ”Perturbar las leyes divinas y naturales no entra a el reino de Dios. Marc desde hoy quedas expulsado de nuestro templo de culto, ningún feligrés estará autorizado a escuchar tu música. No permitimos homosexuales en nuestro centro de adoración.” Los seguidores de la pastora le dieron ”unlike” ala pagina del artista y hasta ahora Marc ha recibido más de 15,000 unlike en su página. http://www.informatepr.net/2016/11/wanda-rolon-insulta-a-marc-anthony-por-fotos-besando-hombres-mira-lo-que-dijo/
Alegría Rampante Fights Anti-LGBT Governor Ricardo Rosselló With a Deliciously Over-the-Top Show Eduardo Alegría says he saw this coming. For the past few years, the Puerto Rican performer has been grappling with a certain fear for the future. Se Nos Fue La Mano, his 2015 full-length debut as Alegría Rampante , was inspired by an impending downfall, an era of darkness — and a subsequent call to arms. “Se nos acercan cambios drásticos, sube la fiebre,” he warned on the album’s closer, “Alucinando al Máximo.” Call them premonitions, call it intuition – on November 8, those words, and a litany of other themes on the album, became too real. On November 18 and 19, Alegría Rampante will perform at El Tapia, the historic Old San Juan theater first constructed in 1824. The show he and his band, plus an expanded crew — backup singers, special guests, to stage and lighting technicians — have planned is an amplified version of the album. If it wasn’t yet clear what Eduardo meant the deceptiv...

Pence Promises Supporters That LGBTQ Rights Will Be FIRST To Go (VIDEO)

Just before the nation began holding its breath in collective terror of living in the America that Trump promised to give us, and just before Trump supporters and privileged cis folks felt the need to tell minorities to calm down and accept a Trump presidency, the nation’s new vice president gave a speech promising that the first rights to be taken away under a Trump/Pence administration are the rights of LGBTQ citizens. Barely anyone seemed to notice. During an interview with James Dobson , host of the wildly homophobic Focus on the Family , Mike Pence assured his interviewer and his supporters that any progress made toward protecting LGBTQ rights under President Obama will be swiftly undone under President Trump. Issue by issue, he asserted over and over again a plan to marginalize and invalidate an entire group of citizens whom he is about to lead as vice-president. Remember President Obama issuing orders to protect transgender citizens from being...

LGBTTQ Equality will be in danger soon.

The Mike Pence (Donald Trump) Assault On LGBTQ Equality Is Already Underway I'm not going to sugarcoat this at all. We are in for a full-blown assault on LGBTQ rights the likes of which many, particularly younger LGBTQ people, have not seen. Progress will most certainly be halted completely, likely rolled back. And it’s already underway. First, forget any of your thinking that Donald Trump is from New York City, probably has gay friends, sent Elton John a congratulatory note on his civil union in 2005, used the term “LGBTQ” (in pitting gays against Muslims at the Republican National Convention, when he vowed only to protect us from a “hateful foreign ideology”) or any other superficial things you may have read or heard. Ronald Reagan was from Hollywood, and he, too, had many gay friends, including legendary actor Rock Hudson. Reagan even came out against an anti-gay state initiative while he was governor of California. But once Reagan made his pact with the religious right ...

Número de personajes LGBT en televisión estadounidense alcanza cantidad histórica

Programas como "Transparent", "Doubt" y "Queen Sugar" han ayudado a aumentar el número de personajes lesbianas, gay, bisexuales y transgénero en la televisión estadounidense a un máximo récord, según un reporte del grupo GLAAD divulgado el jueves. GLAAD dijo que el número de personajes transgénero se había duplicado a 16 este año. Se registró también un porcentaje récord de personajes de raza negra en la televisión, gracias en parte a programas como el drama de hip hop "Empire", la serie de superhéroes "Luke Cage", la comedia "Black-ish" y la serie policial "How To Get Away With Murder". El reporte analizó la diversidad en los servicios de televisión, cable y streaming para la temporada 2016-17. Halló que un total de 278 personajes LGBTQ regulares y recurrentes en todas las plataformas, la cifra más alta desde que GLAAD comenzó a controlar los números hace 20 años. "Si bien es alentador ver que se ha ...