
Mostrando entradas de agosto, 2013

Federal judge orders VA to obey Supreme Court on same-sex benefits

By M. Alex Johnson, Staff Writer, NBC News The Department of Veterans Affairs can no longer rely on its unique reading of federal law to refuse to provide full benefits to a California veteran in a same-sex marriage, a federal judge declared in a ruling filed late Thursday. U.S. District Judge Consuelo Marshall of Los Angeles sided with Tracey Cooper-Harris of Pasadena, Calif., a 12-year Army veteran, who sued the VA for denying her full disability benefits because she is married to a woman.  Read the District Court Ruling.pdf http://msnbcmedia.msn.com/i/MSNBC/Sections/NEWS/AJDocs/20130829_VA_SameSex_Ruling.pdf http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/08/30/20251949-federal-judge-orders-va-to-obey-supreme-court-on-same-sex-benefits?lite Related: Historic day for gay marriage after two big court decisions http://bigstory.ap.org/article/high-court-gay-marriage-decisions-due-wednesday

Putin en lencería femenina, exposición censurada en Rusia

Polémica por pintar a Putin en ropa interior Autoridades cierran el museo y el pintor. Konstantin Altunin decide huir. http://www.elespectador.com/noticias/cultura/putin-lenceria-femenina-exposicion-censurada-rusia-articulo-442983 http://www.omnia.com.mx/noticias/konstantin-altunin-artista-que-pinto-a-putin-pide-asilo-en-francia/   Putin Underwear Artist Flees Russia to France for Asylum   http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-08-28/putin-underwear-artist-flees-to-france-for-asylum-curator-says.html

Transgender Woman Dies After Beating in Front of NYPD Precinct

We have to spread the word about this tragedy, because the only way to end anti-LGBT violence is to keep talking about it, and let people know that incidents like this one that left Nettles dead are hardly uncommon. The fashion design student with delicate features was punched in the face, knocked to the ground and beaten until she lost consciousness on the night of August 16, 2013.               The murder of 21-year-old Islan Nettles comes amidst a series of high-profile attacks http://www.takepart.com/article/2013/08/26/another-day-another-anti-lgbt-violent-attack-new-york-city?cmpid=tp-fb

Russia Ban Gay Blood and Organ Donations

Russia Wants To Offer Free Ex-Gay Conversion Therapy, Ban Gay Blood And Organ Donations Russia is really working overtime to ensure its title as The Worst, with lawmakers planning to reintroduce a ban on gay blood and organ donations from gay men and government-sponsored reparative therapy to return gays to a “normal life.” Full story here: http://www.queerty.com/russia-wants-to-offer-free-ex-gay-conversion-therapy-ban-gay-blood-and-organ-donations-20130826/#ixzz2d7UehFFZ

Bradley Manning: "I want to live as a woman".

Bradley Manning, the Army private sentenced to military prison for leaking classified documents, revealed he intends to live out the remainder of his life as a woman. “I am Chelsea Manning. I am female,” the Army private wrote in a statement read on TODAY Thursday. “Given the way that I feel, and have felt since childhood, I want to begin hormone therapy as soon as possible. I hope that you will support me in this transition.” http://www.today.com/news/bradley-manning-i-want-live-woman-6C10974915 Manning se someterá a tratamiento para convertirse en mujer    http://www.primerahora.com/noticias/estados-unidos/nota/manningsesometeraatratamientoparaconvertirseenmujer-947860/ http://www.nbcnews.com/health/transgender-prisoners-hormones-seen-matter-life-death-6C10981031?ocid=msnhp&pos=1

Dos atletas rusas se besan en el podio en señal de protesta

Ver:  Momento justo del beso entre las dos atletas rusas.  http://www.20minutos.es/noticia/1897983/0/atletas-rusas/4x400-moscu/beso-isinbayeva/ http://www.abc.es/deportes/20130820/abci-beso-rusia-rizhova-201308201529.html http://www.ideal.es/granada/20130818/deportes/mas-deporte/atletas-rusas-besan-podio-mundial-foto-201308181157.html http://ecodiario.eleconomista.es/deportes/noticias/5075667/08/13/Foto-Dos-atletas-rusas-se-besan-en-el-podium-del-Mundial-como-protesta-por-la-ley-antiGay-de-Putin.html El equipo ruso de relevo 4x400 se ha alzado hoy como vencedor de la prueba, llevando con este nuevo oro a Rusia a la cima del medallero del Mundial de atletismo de Moscú. Sin embargo, la grandeza rusa en el deporte contrasta con las protestas por la 'ley antihomosexual' que pregona su gobierno. Es por ello, como protesta ante esta legislación, por lo que dos integrantes del equipo ruso de 4x400 se han besado encima del podio.

La perspectiva de género, P. del S. 484

ESTADO LIBRE ASOCIADO DE PUERTO RICO 17 ma.    Asamblea                                                                                                1 ra. Sesión   Legislativa  Ordinaria SENADO DE PUERTO RICO P. del S. 484 21 de marzo de 2013 Presentado por la señora González López Referido a la Comisión de Educación, Formación y Desarrollo del Individuo LEY Para enmendar la enmendar el inciso (bb) del Artículo 6.03 de la Ley número 149-1999, según enme...

California law allows transgender students to pick bathrooms

MSN Living: School builds unisex bathrooms for transgender students   Governor Jerry Brown signed transgender-rights bill AB1266 into law, which allows students "to participate in sex-segregated programs, activities and facilities" based on their self-perception rather than birth gender. It will go into effect January 1. http://living.msn.com/family-parenting/the-family-room-blog-post?post=3e90bf71-8110-482a-871b-129ba5f7c670&gt132166 http://www.glad.org/current/press-release/new-guidance-for-implementing-transgender-non-discrimination-law-in-public Massachusetts http://www.doe.mass.edu/ssce/GenderIdentity.pdf http://www.eriegaynews.com/news/article.php?recordid=201303desetransgenderstudents

IOC wants assurances on anti-gay law

  MOSCOW (AP) The International Olympic Committee is waiting for more clarifications from the Russian government on the anti-gay law that is overshadowing preparations for the Winter Games in Sochi, IOC President Jacques Rogge said Friday. http://msn.foxsports.com/olympics/story/international-olympic-committee-wants-clarification-on-russia-anti-gay-law-2014-sochi-olympics-080913 Anti-gay laws inspire Sochi boycotts Russian vodka and the Winter Olympics in Sochi. For now, those are the prime targets as gays in the United States and elsewhere propose boycotts and other tactics to convey their outrage over Russia's intensifying campaign against gay-rights activism. http://msn.foxsports.com/olympics/story/Russian-anti-gay-laws-inspire-Sochi-Olympics-vodka-boycotts-073113 ______________________________________ El Comité Olímpico Internacional amenaza con penalizar a Atletas Pro-Gays Increíble! El COI se plantea tomar medidas contra los atletas que protesten contra l...

Encuesta favorece adopción por parejas gays en Puerto Rico

El sondeo cibernético es manejado por el grupo religioso Puerto Rico por la familia. La encuesta, que fue preparada en el sitio polldaddy.com, una plataforma para sondeos interactivos, lleva siete horas desde que se activó y han registrado 3,537 votos. De estos, el 79% (2,778) han favorecido la opción de que las parejas del mismo sexo puedan adoptar en la Isla. Esto contra, un 21% (759 votos) que no favorecen la medida. http://www.metro.pr/locales/encuesta-favorece-adopcion-por-parejas-gays-en-puerto-rico/pGXmhf!75Qn4Okiz1I2Q/ EL P. del S. 437 del 2013. El Proyecto del Senado 437, que propone enmiendas al Artículo 138 del Código Civil sobre la adopción en Puerto Rico y eliminaría distinciones de género u orientación sexual como razón para impedir ese trámite legal. http://noticiasmicrojuris.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/ps437.pdf

A Navy SEAL's biggest secret: Life as a transgender.

http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/06/04/seal-team-6-transgender-memoir-warrior-princess/2388431/ El Navy Seal que se convirtió en mujer. Chris Beck pasó 20 años trabajando de forma encubierta en líneas enemigas como miembro de los Navy Seal, la unidad de élite de la marina de Estados Unidos que realiza operaciones especiales o commando. http://www.elnuevodia.com/elnavysealqueseconvirtioenmujer-1564664.html http://www.noticiascadadia.com/noticia/36573-chris-beck-de-poderoso-navy-seal-a-bella-transexual/

International day of protest against Putin's Russia.

International day of protest against Putin's Russia. Saturday, August 3, 2013 Everywhere

Russian LGBT solidarity actions.

Russian LGBT solidarity   There are Russian LGBT solidarity actions for this week already confirmed in Montreal, New York City, Albany, Toronto, Seattle and San Francisco. Our brothers and sisters in Russian are calling on us to act now. LGTBT people are being kidnapped, beaten, tortured and murdered while Putin fans the flames to distract the Russian people from the real challenges they face. We must act. You must act. Received some links to videos depicting the brutal torture of gay men by Russian fascists. The videos are posted on the pages of the perpetrators, who are clearly identified. So, in Putin's Russia, one is free to attack and torture, then brag of it online without fear of repercussion. In addition to boycotts and protests we must demand the arrest and prosecution of these violent criminals.