
Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2016

9 razones por las que toda mujer debería tener un amigo gay

  Estas son las nueve ventajas de tener una amigo gay.  ¡Seguro te sentirás identificada! Por: Karina Ochoa Beltrán Nueva Mujer.Com Hay un tipo de amistad que ha robado hasta la atención de la gran pantalla. Tenemos el caso de Carrie Bradshaw con Stanf ord y Charlotte con Anthony en la serie 'Sex and the city'. La amistad entre una mujer heterosexual y un hombre homosexual es una de las mejores relaciones que pueden haber y una de las más desinteresadas. Según MelodijoLola.com estas son las 9 razones por las que debemos tener un amigo gay: 1. Son muy sinceros: Cuando le preguntes a tu amiga qué tal te ves en ese vestido (que es dos tallas menos que el que normalmente usas), ella te dirá que impresionante mientras que tu amigo gay será  sincero contigo y te dará su punto de vista. 2. Se rompe el mito que entre un hombre y una mujer no puede existir una amistad. Podrás decir que es tu mejor amigo pero no pasa nada entre los dos. 3. Son la mejor coartada. Cuando...


Revisiting Queer Puerto Rican Sexualities: Queer Futures, Reinventions, and Exclusions A special issue of CENTRO Journal Center for Puerto Rican Studies, Hunter College, CUNY Guest Editors : Lawrence La Fountain-Stokes (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor) and Yolanda Martínez-San Miguel (Rutgers, State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick-Piscataway) We are soliciting manuscripts in English or Spanish for a special issue on queer Puerto Rican sexualities. We welcome articles, essays, interviews, oral histories, ethnographic studies, and other written and visual documentation related to Puerto Rican sexualities in both Puerto Rico and the diaspora, including little-known primary sources. After more than forty years of LGBTQ Puerto Rican activism, homoerotic gay and lesbian Puerto Rican literature and culture, and queer academic and community scholarship, we now live in a radically transformed environment marked by much progress but also by exclusions and new challen...

Transgender Pregnancy

Living Family My Brother’s Pregnancy and the Making of a New American Family Jessi Hempel @jessiwrites Sept. 1, 2016 My brother Evan was born female. He came out as transgender 16 years ago but never stopped wanting to have a baby. This spring he gave birth to his first child. My brother Evan, 35, is a stocky guy of medium height with a trimmed, fuzzy blond beard and two gem studs in each earlobe. He usually wears a Red Sox hat, and when he’s nervous, he’ll remove it and obsessively bend the rim. But on that September afternoon, both of his hands were clutching his phone, the right one cupping the left for privacy. “Hello?” “This is Dr. Kowalik,” said the voice. The identification was unnecessary. Ania Kowalik is a reproductive endocrinologist at a clinic called Fertility Solutions in Dedham, Mass. They’d spoken regularly for more than six months. Evan, who was born female, had wanted to be a parent since he was very young, when he played wit...