Revisiting Queer Puerto Rican Sexualities: Queer Futures, Reinventions, and Exclusions
A special issue of CENTRO Journal
Center for Puerto Rican Studies, Hunter College, CUNY
Guest Editors: Lawrence La Fountain-Stokes (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor) and Yolanda Martínez-San Miguel (Rutgers, State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick-Piscataway)

We are soliciting manuscripts in English or Spanish for a special issue on queer Puerto Rican sexualities. We welcome articles, essays, interviews, oral histories, ethnographic studies, and other written and visual documentation related to Puerto Rican sexualities in both Puerto Rico and the diaspora, including little-known primary sources. After more than forty years of LGBTQ Puerto Rican activism, homoerotic gay and lesbian Puerto Rican literature and culture, and queer academic and community scholarship, we now live in a radically transformed environment marked by much progress but also by exclusions and new challenges. What does the new queer Puerto Rican literary, cultural, political, and scholarly landscape look like? What does queer mean in a Puerto Rican context? What is the status of Puerto Rican sexuality studies, more broadly defined than simply the sphere of the queer or LGBT? What are the intersections with feminism, environmentalism, decoloniality, reproductive justice, equal marriage, parenting rights, health, transgender politics, and cultural and activist expression? What are the strengths and weaknesses of Puerto Rican queer and sexuality studies? How have things changed since the publication of the previous CENTRO Journal special issue on this topic in the Spring of 2007? Specific topics may include but are not limited to:
· History of women in the lesbian, bisexual, and queer Puerto Rican community, particularly in activism, politics, education, health, and the arts.

· Feminism and sexualities.
· Puerto Rican transgender and transsexual experience.
· Envisioning other genders and sexualities among Puerto Ricans.
· Intersections of race and queer sexualities.
· Sex positive cultural productions.
· Queer spaces and queer intimacies.
· Impact of legal reforms and activism.
· New exclusions and the development of Puerto Rican homonormativity.
· New sexual geographies in the Puerto Rican diaspora.
· Cultural activism, autogestión and autonomous art-making practices.
· Social media, technology, and queer experience.
· Health and sexuality under the pharmacopornographic regime.
· Postpornography and Puerto Ricans in the sex industry.
· Comparative studies on Puerto Rican sexualities in relation to Caribbean and Latin American transnationalities.
· Socio-economic and demographic analysis of LGBTQ Puerto Ricans.
· Visual culture, performing arts and censorship.

Submit 250-word abstract by: October 15, 2016
Final Paper Deadline: April 15, 2017

For publications guidelines: <>
Submitted works should not exceed 35 double-spaced pages, including notes and references. To send submissions or for more information:
For more information contact: Xavier F. Totti, Editor,, 212.772.5690, 212.650.3673 (fax).


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