
Mostrando entradas de febrero, 2017

Hydro Caribbean Festival in San Juan, Puerto Rico 2017


Convocatoria a Reunión GLBTTQ en Puerto Rico

Trump administration rolls back protections for transgender students The Trump administration on Wednesday revoked federal guidelines specifying that transgender students have the right to use public school restrooms that match their gender identity, taking a stand on a contentious issue that has become the central battle over LGBT rights. Officials with the federal Education and Justice departments notified the U.S. Supreme Court late Wednesday that the administration is ordering the nation’s schools to disregard memos the Obama administration issued during the past two years regarding transgender student rights. Those memos said that prohibiting transgender students from using facilities that align with their gender identity violates federal anti-discrimination laws. The two-page “Dear colleague” letter from the Trump administration, which is set to go to the nation’s public schools, does not offer any new guidance, instead saying that the earlier directive needed to be withdr...


TRANSFASHION 5TA EDICION SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO CENTRO PARA PUERTO RICO (SILA) Calle Gonzalez Santa Rita Rio Piedras 8:00 PM https://www.facebook.com/Coaipr.org/photos/gm.1870439513189628/1217125071688897/?type=3

No More Obama’s Transgender Bathrooms! -- Trump's dictatorial orders.

By Conservative Army - February 14, 2017 In a clear shift away from his predecessor, President Donald Trump’s White House has asked a judge to cancel a crucial hearing in a legal appeal over an Obama-era rule regarding transgender bathroom use. Former President Barack Obama issued a controversial administrative rule in May 2016 extending Title IX protections to transgender individuals, ensuring their right to use the bathroom they claim aligns with their gender identity. Had state-funded schools, colleges and universities not complied with the directive, it could put public institutions at risk of losing federal funding. As a result, U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor temporarily blocked the Obama directive nationwide in August. In his ruling, O’Connor said Title IX “is not ambiguous” about sex being defined as “ the biological and anatomical differences between male and female students as determined at their birth .” "Trump is going to bring back family values and Christ...

Conmemoran los 50 años de la primera protesta gay en EE.UU.

Los Ángeles - Activistas por los derechos de la comunidad LGBT (lesbianas, gais, bisexuales y transexuales) organizarán el, 11 de febrero de 2016, una concentración en el bar Black Cat de Los Ángeles para conmemorar los 50 años de la primera protesta en defensa de los derechos LGBT que tuvo lugar en Estados Unidos. Aunque los disturbios de Stonewall en Nueva York en 1969 se consideran, popularmente, como la cuna del movimiento de liberación homosexual, el bar Black Cat del barrio angelino de Silver Lake fue el 11 de febrero de 1967 el escenario de la primera manifestación celebrada en EE.UU. para reivindicar el respeto a las personas LGBT. En la nochevieja de ese año, policías infiltrados en una fiesta del Black Cat detuvieron a catorce homosexuales acusados de conducta indecente por haberse besado con personas del mismo sexo. Ante estos hechos que consideraban discriminatorios, manifestantes se reunieron el 11 de febrero a las puertas del establecimiento para clamar contra ...