No More Obama’s Transgender Bathrooms! -- Trump's dictatorial orders.

In a clear shift away from his predecessor, President Donald Trump’s White House has asked a judge to cancel a crucial hearing in a legal appeal over an Obama-era rule regarding transgender bathroom use.
Former President Barack Obama issued a controversial administrative rule in May 2016 extending Title IX protections to transgender individuals, ensuring their right to use the bathroom they claim aligns with their gender identity.

Had state-funded schools, colleges and universities not complied with the directive, it could put public institutions at risk of losing federal funding.
As a result, U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor temporarily blocked the Obama directive nationwide in August. In his ruling, O’Connor said Title IX “is not ambiguous” about sex being defined as “the biological and anatomical differences between male and female students as determined at their birth.”
"Trump is going to bring back family values and Christian values to America again! It’s time this country to become conservative and normal again!"--this newspaper editorializes.

We should stop with the promotion of liberal sick values, all that sick attitude, we have to be normal and sane and good people again!
No more transgender, gay, abortions, drugs, crimes, illegals etc… We have to have law and order, strong police, strong border, strong military, strong churches, more freedom, less socialism, less communism, less utopia, lower taxes, less regulation!
That is the Trump rule, that is the Trump philosophy -- totalitarianism of gender.

Parents of transgender students appeal to Trump on bathrooms

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Hundreds of parents across the country have called on President Donald Trump to embrace Obama-era protections for transgender students that call for letting them use school bathrooms in accordance with their gender identity.


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