
Mostrando entradas de 2018

Pastor Who Celebrated Orlando Massacre Gets 35 Years For Child Molestation

Immediately after the horrific attack at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, Pastor Adkins tweeted the following: https://www.patheos.com/blogs/progressivesecularhumanist/2017/04/pastor-celebrated-orlando-massacre-gets-35-years-child-molestation/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=share_bar&fbclid=IwAR0HmdhJzxEOQ2gePq6XQRP4LmZZKDCZxQQBxMdZwYBzFwhegDjxJCaTeLQ#S1vuWkRO52SFhSKd.01 https://wp-media.patheos.com/blogs/sites/410/2017/04/adkinsmolester1.png

NYPD busca a sujeto por romper columna vertebral a mujer porque pensó que era lesbiana


El peligro de los grupos evangélicos en la política latinoamericana.

(Investigación del Centro Estratégico Latinoamericano de Geopolítica (CELAG) "Iglesias evangélicas y poder conservador en Latinoamérica.) Los grupos evangélicos son un nuevo actor en la vida política latinoamericana y se han propagado sagazmente en cada país logrando una inédita influencia, ganando terreno al monopolio que había ostentado el catolicismo desde hace siglos. Su poder crece día a día como contracara al avance de los movimientos feministas, de las minorías sexuales e identidad de género, con un discurso conservador, autoritario y totalizador. La crisis de representatividad de los partidos ha ayudado al incremento de las instituciones religiosas neopentecostales y a que estas puedan entrar fácilmente en el tejido social y actuar desde ahí como “salvadores” de la fe, la vida y la política. En una investigación del Centro Estratégico Latinoamericano de Geopolítica (CELAG), titulada “Iglesias evangélicas y el poder conservador en Latinoamérica”, se establece qu...


LGBTQ History Month provides a timely opportunity to reflect on our collective history, paying keen attention to individuals who have made tremendous contributions to the community.  Queer Latinx people have been a powerful voice of change, transformation, and acceptance in both communities. But while they’ve been at the forefront of nearly every queer movement, Latinx, Afro-Latinxs, and indigenous people of color have long been marginalized—even erased—from our history.     We must pay honor to whom honor is due. Though far from complete, below is a selection of queer Latinx individuals—mostly activists and deceased—whose contributions and achievements should be remembered. Sylvia Rivera, 1951-2002 If I were to highlight one LGBTQ icon, it would be the pioneering transgender and civil rights activist Sylvia Rivera. Of Puerto Rican and Venezuelan descent, Rivera has become the “Mother of the Movement” for her historic leadership, from leading the 1969 Stonewall riots...
Una vejez sin armarios Los gais mayores ocultan su condición al entrar en las residencias para evitar ser marginados. Una fundación prepara el primer hogar LGTBI E n su libro Elogio de la homosexualidad , el profesor de Filosofía Luis Alegre advertía de que se están dando casos de residencias de ancianos en las que se intenta que los homosexuales oculten su condición para evitar problemas con otros internos.  Según explica Federico Armenteros, presidente de la Fundación 26 de Diciembre —dedicada a la atención de mayores LGTBI— , hay un sector del colectivo gay, los que ahora tienen 70 años o más, que sufrió de lleno la persecución de la dictadura —primero la ley de vagos y maleantes y luego la de peligrosidad social— y que en muchos casos aquello provocó un shock tan traumático que les dejó graves secuelas: “Han vivido muchísimos años teniendo que ser otra persona, viviendo la homofobia, incluso interiorizándola, y educados en el odio hacia quienes eran como ellos mismos...
Father Kills 14-Year-Old Son: ‘He Would Rather Have a Dead Son Than a Gay Son’ A father has been arrested after he allegedly shot dead his son because he found out he was gay, police have said. Giovanni Melton, from Henderson, Nevada, was gunned down by his father Wendell Melton after an argument on Thursday afternoon about how he is gay and has a boyfriend, police told KSNV. ‘He hated he fact that his son was gay,’ the 14-year-old’s former foster mom Sonia Jones told the station. ‘I’m sure that inside of his mind, he would rather have a dead son than a gay son.’  Jones said that Wendell, 53, had previously pulled a gun on his son before when he caught him with his boyfriend. Police arrived on the scene Thursday after receiving a report about a domestic disturbance at their apartment. When authorities arrived they found the 14-year-old in critical condition and rushed him to St Rose Dominican Hospital, where he died from his injuries. Giovanni lived alone at the apartme...
Revisiting Queer Puerto Rican Sexualities /  Revisitando las sexualidades puertorriqueñas queer Larry La Fountain · Miércoles, 12 de septiembre de 2018 CENTRO: JOURNAL OF THE CENTER FOR PUERTO RICAN STUDIES VOLUME XXX • NUMBER 2 • SUMMER 2018 Revisiting Queer Puerto Rican Sexualities / Revisitando las sexualidades puertorriqueñas queer Guest Editors / Editores Invitados: Lawrence La Fountain-Stokes and Yolandamaria Martinez (Yolanda Martínez-San Miguel) https://www.facebook.com/notes/larry-la-fountain/revisiting-queer-puerto-rican-sexualities-revisitand o-las-sexualidades-puertorri/10160908885740441/

Mom: 9-year-old boy killed himself after coming out as gay, being bullied at school

              DENVER — A Colorado mother says her son killed himself after being bullied at school. Leia Pierce told KDVR that her 9-year-old son, Jamel Myles, came out to her as gay over the summer. Advertisement "And he looked so scared when he told me. He was like, 'Mom I’m gay.' And I thought he was playing, so I looked back because I was driving, and he was all curled up, so scared. And I said, 'I still love you,'" Pierce said. Myles also told his family he wanted to dress more femininely. "And he goes, 'Can I be honest with you?'" Pierce said. "And I was like, 'Sure,' and he’s like, 'I know you buy me boy stuff because I’m a boy, but I’d rather dress like a girl.'" He began fourth grade at Joe Shoemaker Elementary School in Denver last Monday. Pierce said her son wanted to tell his classmates that he was gay. "He went to school and said he was gonna tell people he’...

NUEVO Codigo Civil de Puerto Rico es Retrógrado.

28 de agosto de 2018. San Juan, Puerto Rico Capitolio de Puerto Rico Cámara de Representantes Comisión de lo Jurídico Maria Milagros Charbonier, presidenta Por estas cosas Charbonier nos ama… seguimos analizando lo que pasa en las vistas públicas para el nuevo # CódigoCivilPR que propone la Rep. # Charbonier . En la vista de ayer, 27 de agosto de 2018, grupos religiosos fundamentalistas destaparon la agenda real tras el borrador que quieren aprobar con tanta prisa: Una agenda de injusticia y desigualdad. Algunos de los puntos que hicieron aplaudir de la alegría a estos líderes religiosos (sobre todos advirtió CABE): 1) La definición de matrimonio es ambigua lo que permitiría prohibir matrimonios # LGBT en el futuro. 2) Prohíbe la adopción por dos mamás o dos papás. 3) Da exenciones a organizaciones religiosas SIN requerir que se incorporen o soliciten la exención como el resto de entidades laicas. 4) Reconoce derechos a los embriones dándole categoría de p...

Congreso Literatura Queer 2018

Same-Sex Couple Rejected by Senior Living Community Because Their Marriage Doesn’t Meet ‘Biblical Definition’ Mary Walsh, 72, and Bev Nance, 68, have been together for four decades. They legally married in 2009, and wanted to move into a senior living community so they could grow old together and receive medical care if needed as they aged. They met several times with Friendship Village Sunset Hills (photo) in St. Louis, Missouri, and even placed a $2000 deposit and signed on to a waiting list. But just days before they were to sign a residency agreement and pay an additional deposit, the company called them asking about the nature of their relationship. They were told that Friendship Village Sunset Hills was rejecting them because they are lesbians in a same-sex marriage. Now they're suing. “We’ve been together for nearly 40 years and have spent our lives in St. Louis. We want to grow older here by each other’s side,” Mary Walsh says in a statement. “We should not be ...
Comunidad LGBTTQIA se enfrenta al discrimen al buscar servicios de salud Por José Karlo Pagán 07/26/2018 |11:45 p.m.    "Es triste que una persona decida pasar una enfermedad sola, a pulmón, por miedo” Deborah es negra, adicta a sustancias controladas, con diversidad funcional y una mujer trans. Un cúmulo de minorías que, a la hora de buscar servicios de salud, se convertía en un calvario a un acceso justo y equitativo. En sus ganas de desintoxicarse y comenzar una “nueva vida” acudió a un centro especializado para la comunidad LGBTTQIA (lésbico, gay, bisexual, trangénero, transexual, queer, intersexual y asexual). Luego de un chequeo médico, lo primordial para su mejoría era ingresarla a un centro de desintoxicación. Los especialistas intentaron con más de 10 entidades y, a pesar de que le ofrecían adiestramiento gratuito, la respuesta siempre fue la misma: “La podemos aceptar, pero como hombre, con los varones. Si quiere entrar tiene que recor...