LGBTQ History Month provides a timely opportunity to reflect on our collective history, paying keen attention to individuals who have made tremendous contributions to the community.  Queer Latinx people have been a powerful voice of change, transformation, and acceptance in both communities. But while they’ve been at the forefront of nearly every queer movement, Latinx, Afro-Latinxs, and indigenous people of color have long been marginalized—even erased—from our history.    We must pay honor to whom honor is due. Though far from complete, below is a selection of queer Latinx individuals—mostly activists and deceased—whose contributions and achievements should be remembered.

Sylvia Rivera, 1951-2002

If I were to highlight one LGBTQ icon, it would be the pioneering transgender and civil rights activist Sylvia Rivera. Of Puerto Rican and Venezuelan descent, Rivera has become the “Mother of the Movement” for her historic leadership, from leading the 1969 Stonewall riots to subsequent protests. Rivera was a visionary who rose above her time through outspoken, social justice work. Alongside Marsha P. Johnson, a fellow gay liberation activist, Rivera co-founded Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries (STAR) to support queer youth and sex workers.

Read up on these incredible LGBTQ activists and creatives who changed the course of queer history:

11 Latinx Queer Icons to Celebrate This LGBTQ History Month | News | Logo TV


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