
Mostrando entradas de febrero, 2014

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer Wins Fans Over Anti-Gay Bill Veto

Republican Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer was lauded online after defying many members of her own party by vetoing an anti-gay bill Wednesday night Senate Bill 1062 was designed to give added protection from lawsuits to people who assert their religious beliefs in refusing service to gays or others who offend their beliefs. However, opponents called it an open attack on gays that invited discrimination. http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/arizona-bill-controversy/arizona-governor-jan-brewer-wins-fans-over-anti-gay-bill-n39891 ________________________________________ Arizona Senator John McCain backed Brewer, saying that everyone was welcome in his State. 7:56 PM - 26 Feb 2014 John McCain          ✔ @ SenJohnMcCain Follow I appreciate Gov Brewer's decision to veto # SB1062 - everyone is welcome to enjoy our beautiful # Arizona . My stmt: http://www. mccain.senate.gov/public

Big Business to Arizona: Gay Discrimination Bill Bad for Economy

BY  MIRANDA LEITSINGER Apple, American Airlines and Marriott delivered a message to Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer on Monday: State legislation allowing companies to discriminate against gays on religious grounds would be bad for business. The conservative Republican governor is facing growing pressure over the bill, which the statehouse passed last Thursday.  Opponents  have called it "state-sanctioned discrimination" and an embarrassment. Apple and a slew of big-name firms issued letters and made phone calls to Brewer on Monday telling her the state would take a financial hit if the law passed, according to CNBC. Apple is just about to open large new glass manufacturing plant in Mesa, Arizona. Marriott, meanwhile, noted that their bottom-line could suffer as a result of the bill. This measure "would have profound negative impacts on the hospitality industry on the Arizona and on the state's overall economic climate for years to come," the hotel ...

Religious Right in Arizona Cheers Bill Allowing Businesses to Refuse to Serve Gays

Now, as states around the nation weigh how to balance the rights of same-sex couples with those of conservative religious business owners, Gov. Jan Brewer of Arizona must decide whether to sign legislation that would allow business owners to cite religious beliefs as a legal justification for denying service to same-sex couples. Related Coverage Bill Viewed as Anti-Gay Is Passed in Arizona FEB. 20, 2014 The legislation, approved by lawmakers on Thursday , immediately attracted national attention, with conservative religious groups welcoming it as a necessary form of protection for objectors to same-sex marriage , and gay rights groups denouncing it as a license for discrimination. The measure comes at a time when the courts are grappling with how to define the religious rights of private businesses: The Supreme Court is to hear two cases next month in which businesses are seeking exemptions from providing insurance cove...

GLBTT Community in RUSSIA: The Battle and the Riot.

MORE NEWS about GLBTT in RUSSIA. Más noticias sobre la Comunidad GLBTT en RUSIA: Russia removes children’s book over gay propaganda fears Politicians have called on government to approve raids of children's book shops, in order to make sure they are not learning about homosexuality 06 February 2014 | By Joe Morgan - See more at: http://www.gaystarnews.com/article/russia-removes-children%E2%80%99s-book-over-gay-propaganda-fears060214#sthash.Klq8VSOz.dpuf http://www.gaystarnews.com/article/russia-removes-children%E2%80%99s-book-over-gay-propaganda-fears060214

FB of Vladimir Putin.

Here´s Vladimir Putin´s Facebook Movie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FR1PA0SDNzA

Gobierno federal reconocerá matrimonios gay en todos los Estados de EEUU.

El secretario de Justicia estadounidense Eric Holder anunciará que el gobierno federal reconocerá los matrimonios del mismo sexo, incluso en los 34 estados que no consideran legal ese tipo de unión, dijeron medios de prensa en EEUU. CNN reveló que posee extractos de un discurso que Holder pronunciará esta noche en la gala de Nueva York de la Campaña de Derechos Humanos. Holder planea anunciar que el Departamento de Justicia emitirá un memorando el lunes que reconoce los matrimonios entre personas del mismo sexo "en la mayor medida que permita la ley”. La movida es la más reciente de una serie de acciones tras la sentencia de la Corte Suprema de EE.UU. en junio, que anuló una parte clave de la Ley de Defensa del Matrimonio, que había impedido al gobierno federal reconocer los matrimonios del mismo sexo legalmente válidos. http://www.metro.pr/mundo/gobierno-federal-reconocera-matrimonios-gay-en-todos-los-estados/pGXnbh!qpztIY63CGKY/

Ultimas noticias GLBTT 2/7/2014

Fundación planea recaudar fondos para jóvenes LGBT http://www.metro.pr/ap-noticias/fun-planea-recaudar-fondos-para-jovenes-lgbt/BtInaq!1h61O4gZfmaH7ze@gJP6Tg/ Sistema carcelario en EEUU enfrenta dilema al acomodar población LGBTT http://www.metro.pr/mundo/sistema-carcelario-en-eeuu-enfrenta-dilema-al-acomodar-poblacion-lgbtt/pGXnbf!mK1Pn4Xafydw/

Shocking Levels of Russian Homophobia

“ The real threat to LGBT people attending the Olympics has never been the International Olympic Commitee or the Russian government, it's these anti-gay gangs that run free in Russia ” Cyd Zeigler, OutSports   Shocking footage of violent Russian groups that target gay men and lesbian women reveal the dangerous levels of homophobia in the country as it prepares to host the Sochi Winter Olympics this week. A new UK documentary to be broadcast on the Channel 4 series Dispatches this week reveals for the first time the violent intimidation meted out to gay and lesbian people in Russia by hate groups Occupy Paedophilia and Parents of Russia. The Hunted, which will be shown on Wednesday at 10pm, shows how gangs use the internet to lure potential victims to meetings, where they are forced to perform humiliating acts under the threat of violence. In one scene, Parents of Russia member Timur Isav attends a gay and lesbian event and hands out bags containing lengths of rope, sugges...

Gay-rights groups will avoid Olympics -- and spread message via social media

Gay activists take part in a protest event in St. Petersburg, Russia, on Nov. 2, 2013. The Sochi Olympics present a unique chance for gay-rights organizations to call attention to anti-gay laws passed under President Vladimir Putin, most notably one that criminalized the promotion of “non-traditional sexual relations.” http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2014/02/04/22432812-gay-rights-groups-will-avoid-olympics-and-spread-message-via-social-media?lite

Una exposición seria sobre el Tema del Cuento de "Maria Chuzema".

Esta exposición creemos que es una forma responsable de explicar científicamente el problema de Identidad de Género que algunos niños pueden presentar a temprana edad, y que se ignora, oculta o distorsiona.  Respetamos la opinión del verdadero profesional de la conducta cuando esté libre de prejuicios, homofobia, transfobia, y lo hace de manera respetuosa, por el bien de la niñez afectada y en beneficio de los padres confundidos y faltos de orientación.  Pero tenemos que reconocer que durante mucho tiempo, muchos médicos han operado a niños hermafroditas sin haber tenido el perfil psicológico cuando crece, asignándole una genitalia que no corresponde con su identidad de género .  El DSM-V Manual Estadístico de Diagnósticos lo reconoce como " Gender Dysphoria " o Disforia de Género.  http://www.dsm5.org/Documents/Gender%20Dysphoria%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disforia_de_g%C3%A9nero http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Identidad_de_g%C3%...

El Debut de Karla Feliz a los ojos de una Homofóbica.

¿HASTA DONDE PUEDE UNA PERSONA QUE DICE SER PROFESIONAL DE LA CONDUCTA INCURRIR EN TERGIVERSAR LA INFORMACION QUE SE DA PARA EDUCAR A LA GENTE?   http://www.quepasagaypr.com/2014/02/video-carla-feliz-por-tere-marichal.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Quepasagayprcom+%28Somos+www.quepasagaypr.com%29  Lean lo que dice esta doctora de la actividad de "Karla Feliz".  https://www.facebook.com/alertaCRISTIANOS EL DEBUT DE KARLA FELIZ Por: Dra. Angie Gonzalez (de Alerta CRISTIANO) "Hoy tuve la oportunidad de estar en el “debut de Karla Feliz” que se celebró en la Plaza de La Barandilla en el Viejo San Juan. Fue una actividad para niños en la que la ... animadora de programas infantiles Tere Marichal leyó el breve cuento titulado “Karla Feliz”.  (Se dirige peyorativamente, "en la que la...") El cuento describe de manera fantasiosa cómo un niño que se siente ser niña se quitó su pantalón, se puso una falda y em...