Shocking Levels of Russian Homophobia

The real threat to LGBT people attending the Olympics has never been the International Olympic Commitee or the Russian government, it's these anti-gay gangs that run free in Russia
Cyd Zeigler, OutSports
Shocking footage of violent Russian groups that target gay men and lesbian women reveal the dangerous levels of homophobia in the country as it prepares to host the Sochi Winter Olympics this week.
A new UK documentary to be broadcast on the Channel 4 series Dispatches this week reveals for the first time the violent intimidation meted out to gay and lesbian people in Russia by hate groups Occupy Paedophilia and Parents of Russia.
The Hunted, which will be shown on Wednesday at 10pm, shows how gangs use the internet to lure potential victims to meetings, where they are forced to perform humiliating acts under the threat of violence.
In one scene, Parents of Russia member Timur Isav attends a gay and lesbian event and hands out bags containing lengths of rope, suggesting that attendees commit suicide.
Investigative journalist Liz Mackean, who travelled to Russia to make the film for Channel 4, said: "We filmed these groups with their knowledge, and what I found shocking afterwards was that only a few asked to have their faces disguised. They all believe they are doing the right thing.


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