
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2014

Texas A&M students drown out antigay Westboro protesters with 'yell practice'

Students at Texas A&M University rallied to drown out a protest organized by the Westboro Baptist Church members this week over the school's acceptance of gays. Earlier this week, protesters from the Topeka-based group who had swarmed the campus were met by more than 100 students outside the school's student center in College Station. The Aggies countered Westboro's antigay messages with love, holding signs that read "God Hates No One" and "All You Need Is Love." "Their moral compasses have been broken by their parents, their teachers and their preachers," Steve Drain, a longtime Westboro member, told KBTX-TV . "From the time they were born, they were taught lies such as God loves everybody, and it's OK to be gay, and it's OK to divorce your wife and remarry another one." The group later traveled to Houston to protest Mayor Anise Parker, who is openly gay. In a press release , Westboro — which is notorious for pi...

El debate sobre el matrimonio del mismo sexo en los EEUU

Same-sex marriage evolved at warp speed in USA. WASHINGTON – Who would have thought: • That gay rights groups’ biggest concern would not be how the Supreme Court would rule on same-sex marriage but that it wasn’t ruling fast enough? • That the Republican response to the justices’ move to let same-sex marriages proceed in half the states would be ... near-total silence? Let us pause to savor this moment, and the transformation of the American legal and social landscape. http://www.app.com/story/opinion/columnists/2014/10/07/marcus-sex-marriage-evolved-warp-speed/16881949/

The World’s Worst Places to Be Gay

If you’re going to go and love someone the same gender as you, just be sure not to do it in the red countries.  Embed This Infographic in your Site. It’s not easy being gay, especially in the 79 or so countries where it’s illegal. Around the world, a wide range of laws dictate whether gay people can live openly or whether they must exist underground, deny their desires, or hide their identity for fear of persecution. Some of these laws put lives in danger—as in some Nigerian states, where people found guilty of homosexuality can be stoned to death. Other countries impose discriminatory restrictions on people’s ability to live as fully as they might like—as in Chile, where same-sex couples have legal recognition but are barred from adopting children.  This map shows the danger spots around the world for people who are not heterosexual. While places such as Demark and Iceland—where those in same-sex relationships can get married, adopt children, and serve openly in t...

Irán, el país que presiona a los homosexuales a cambiar de sexo

Irán es uno de los pocos países donde los actos homosexuales son castigables con la muerte. No obstante, en los años 80, el fundador de la República Islámica, Ayatolá Jomeini, emitió una fetua (pronunciamiento legal en el islam) autorizando el cambio de sexo, aparentemente luego de quedar conmovido por el testimonio de una mujer que le confesó sentirse atrapada en el cuerpo de un hombre. Transexuales o gay Aún cuando no hay una política oficial en Irán que obligue a las personas a cambiar de sexo, la presión social puede ser intensa. Shabnam –que no es su nombre verdadero– es psicólogo en una clínica pública en Irán y dice que muchas personas terminan siendo empujadas hacia la decisión de la operación. Los doctores reciben la instrucción de decirles a estos pacientes que están "enfermos" y necesitan tratamiento, comenta el psicólogo. Usualmente son referidos a clérigos que les dicen que deben fortalecer su fe diciendo adecuadamente sus oraciones todos los días. Ta...