The World’s Worst Places to Be Gay

If you’re going to go and love someone the same gender as you, just be sure not to do it in the red countries. 

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It’s not easy being gay, especially in the 79 or so countries where it’s illegal.
Around the world, a wide range of laws dictate whether gay people can live openly or whether they must exist underground, deny their desires, or hide their identity for fear of persecution. Some of these laws put lives in danger—as in some Nigerian states, where people found guilty of homosexuality can be stoned to death. Other countries impose discriminatory restrictions on people’s ability to live as fully as they might like—as in Chile, where same-sex couples have legal recognition but are barred from adopting children. 
This map shows the danger spots around the world for people who are not heterosexual. While places such as Demark and Iceland—where those in same-sex relationships can get married, adopt children, and serve openly in the military—look like paradise, other countries are a living hell for some of their citizens.


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