Texas A&M students drown out antigay Westboro protesters with 'yell practice'

Students at Texas A&M University rallied to drown out a protest organized by the Westboro Baptist Church members this week over the school's acceptance of gays.

Earlier this week, protesters from the Topeka-based group who had swarmed the campus were met by more than 100 students outside the school's student center in College Station. The Aggies countered Westboro's antigay messages with love, holding signs that read "God Hates No One" and "All You Need Is Love."
"Their moral compasses have been broken by their parents, their teachers and their preachers," Steve Drain, a longtime Westboro member, told KBTX-TV. "From the time they were born, they were taught lies such as God loves everybody, and it's OK to be gay, and it's OK to divorce your wife and remarry another one."
The group later traveled to Houston to protest Mayor Anise Parker, who is openly gay.
In a press release, Westboro — which is notorious for picketing the funerals of U.S. soldiers with antigay signs that claim the deaths are God's punishment for America's tolerance of homosexuality — said it was protesting the school's nondiscrimination practices as well as its love of football.
Fittingly, dozens of students also decided to hold their traditional "midnight yell practice," which is normally held the night before Texas A&M football games, at 8 a.m. to drown out the protesters.
"Their message is just one of pure hate, and it's not something we want people to listen to," Elyssa De Caprio, who organized the yell practice, told KBTX.

Yahoo News


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