Gatilleros Oath-Keepers ofrecen protección a Kim Davis, Funcionaria de Kentucky

SI JUEZ QUIERE METARLA PRESA ELLOS LO EVITARÁN -A Kim Davis funcionaria de Kentucky q fue presa por desobedecer orden del tribunal para dar licencia a matrimonios gays la va a proteger un grupo armado defensores de la 2da enmienda para tener armas de fuego…/oath-keepers-offers-kentuckys-kim-da…

¿Quiénes son los Oath Keepers?

Foto de Right Off A Cliff.

Lawyer: Kim Davis may have interfered with gay marriage order again

While Davis was in jail, deputy clerk Brian Mason issued the licenses to same-sex couples. U.S. District Judge David Bunning then released Davis from jail, but ordered her not to interfere with Mason or any other employee who issued the licenses, or else risk returning to jail. Bunning appointed attorneys for each of Davis’ employees and asked them to file status reports with the court every two weeks.
On Friday, Mason’s attorney told the judge that when Davis returned to work Monday she “confiscated all the original forms” and replaced them with forms that delete her name, the name of the county and all references to the deputy clerks. The new form has Mason’s name and a place for him to write his initials but not his signature.
“It also appears to this counsel those changes were made in some attempt to circumvent the court’s orders and may have raised to the level of interference against the court’s orders,” attorney Richard Hughes wrote. “Mr. Mason is concerned because he is in a difficult position that he continues to issue the licenses per the court’s order … which had some remote questionable validity, but now with these changes may in fact have some substantial questions about validity.”


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