Conversion Therapy Is Killing LGBT Youth — And It’s Still Legal In 77% Of The U.S.
Unfortunately, it turns out the answer is that conversion therapy is still legal almost everywhere in the U.S.. According to the Movement Advancement Project (MAP), a think tank that provides “rigorous research, insight and analysis that help speed equality for LGBT people,” there are only four states where conversion therapy has been outlawed: Oregon, California, Illinois, and New Jersey — plus D.C. and now Cincinnati. Which means that 77 percent of the LGBT population lives in states with no laws protecting LGBT youth from the potentially devastating effects of conversion therapy.
This is pretty disturbing news. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), conversion therapy “has been discredited by virtually all major American medical, psychiatric, psychological and professional counseling organizations” because “people who have undergone conversion therapy have reported increased anxiety, depression, and in some cases, suicidal ideation. It can also strain family relationships, because practitioners frequently blame a parent for their child’s sexual orientation.”
I Spent Five Years Trying To Change My Sexuality
…And It Nearly Killed Me
It’s also worth keeping in mind that 40% of homeless youth nationwide are LGBT. Many of those teens have left home because their families rejected them when they discovered their sexual orientation or gender identity. According to the advocacy organization SafeHorizon, “Every year, approximately 5,000 homeless young people will die because of assault, illness, or suicide while trying to survive.”
There’s currently a federal bill pending (H.R.2450 – the Therapeutic Fraud Prevention Act) that would ban conversion therapy for all of the U.S. It was introduced in the House of Representatives in May, but hasn’t had a hearing yet, so now is the perfect time to contact your state representative and urge them to support the bill when the time comes.
To learn more about how you can help further efforts to ban conversion therapy, see the National Center For Lesbian Rights’ (NCLR) #BornPerfect campaign
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