Boy Scouts surveys membership on whether to keep gay ban. / Lift Ban 5/30/2013

The Boy Scouts of America has sent a 13-question survey to adult Scouts on homosexuality in its ranks.
PORTLAND, Ore. — Faced with a backlash against its ban on gays, the Boy Scouts of America is surveying its members on a potential change in policy.
A questionnaire distributed to 1.1 million adult Scouts uses fictional situations to discern where Scouting's membership falls on questions of homosexuality, gays camping with children and gays in church leadership. It allows adult Scouts to indicate a range of feelings, from strong support to strong opposition to the ban on gays.  Some questions are direct queries of the respondent's feelings on homosexuality and children.
The survey questions are part of a semiannual survey called The Voice of The Scout. It was distributed by email to registered volunteers and parents of Scouts for whom the organization had email addresses. Scouts alumni will receive the surveys in "the next couple of days," Scouts spokesman Deron Smith said. Current Boy Scouts weren't sent these questions.

Boy Scouts vote to lift ban on gay youth
GRAPEVINE, Texas -- The Boy Scouts of America voted on Thursday May 30, 2013, to end its controversial policy banning gay kids and teens from joining one of the nation's most popular youth organizations, ditching membership guidelines that had roiled the group in recent years.
Over 60 percent of The National Council of 1,400 delegates from Scouting across the country voted to lift the ban, BSA officials said.


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