Un (GLBTT), Gay es asesinado cada 26 horas en Brazil.

Activistas del Grupo Gay de Bahia, declaran a Brazil como una de los países donde ocurren los mayores asesinatos GLBTT a nivel mundial por homofobia, el 44% de los asesinatos a nivel mundial.

Estadísticas dadas a conocer por el Grupo Gay de Bahia, evidencian 338 asesinatos de gays, lesbianas, y transexuales en Brazil en el 2012.  Incluyen entre éstos a 2 transexuales en Italia.

Los hombres gay y los trasvestis son las principales victimas.  Registrados 188 hombres gay y 128 trasvestistas en 2012,  un cinco por ciento (5%) de los asesinatos GLBTT, fueron lesbianas.

Once again, activists claim Brazil has the world’s highest occurrence of homophobic murders.
Brazilian LGBT rights group Grupo Gay da Bahia has released a breakdown of gay-related murders for 2012, claiming that Brazil accounts for 44% of homophobic executions worldwide.

Grupo Gay da Bahia documented 338 killings of gays, lesbians and transsexuals in Brazil that took place in 2012. Two of these killings include two Brazilian transsexuals in Italy.

According to the group, gay men and transvestites were the main victims. The group documented 188 gay men and 128 transvestites murdered last year. 5% of last year’s LGBT murders were lesbians.



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